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May 31, 2012



If you were in the army you wouldn't have any feet left. Or any left feet, for that matter.

Jan Martin Löhndorf

And she did NOT get aroused by that text? O tampora o mores!

UF Mike

Jeffers, your reference is too cryptic for this idiot. Why, because I'd have stepped on the bouncing betty of my own idiocy?

Jan Martin: She did not. Some people don't find the awful truth arousing. What terrible lives they must lead.


Yer busy shootin' yerseff in the foot, is all, so much so that you gots not feet left.

The Cryptic Unplugged.


also, you seem to be writing to the wrong people.


"Sit back and be surprised by nothing we humans are capable of. Sit back and let the horrors of the world slide right off your back. They will always be with us." Thanks for that, I needed that advice. I am still in a part way glum cloud from reading about cannibalism. More than the cannabalism which when you find out the culprit is bath salts and possible mental illness there lies a reason but its the journalism that shows the real lack of "progress". a pun joke is made at the end of the article about the puzzle the man's face will be to put back together. The disappointing callousness of those reporting and getting paid for this @%$#@. Another article starts with "In yet another recent act of cannibalism.." its like an SNL skit opening. juxtapose this against images of giant telescopes at MIT looking at black holes is where my crazy making disappointments are being made. letting it slide right off my back... like a smog song.

UF Mike

Like a Smog song, exactly. The song: "Vessel in Vain." Hi Karoline!

UF Mike

jdb, you are right. But I'm also writing to the right women, and the reaction is largely the same. The online dating world is brutal. Brutal I tells you!

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