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May 21, 2012



I am my mustache, I am my mustache, I am my mustache, & I am fine.


Over 590 Youtube views and no "dislikes." I think that's amazing.

Jan Martin Löhndorf

Hahaha! Brilliant, Jeffers!

UF Mike

You guys are funny. Anita, I suspect all 590 views were by Michael himself. He sings along with himself then says, "Darn, I'm talented."


Hey, I sent my mss of weirdo nature poems to Mudlark (they did Crayola & those Babble poems) & they want to run these on their site as an electronic chapbook. So that's cool. Looks like it will be in the summer sometime. I'll let you know when it all goes down. Hope all's well,



Oh my gosh, I forgot all about Yacht Rock and collections of that ilk.

UF Mike

That is mighty cool. Congratulations, jeffers!


That's cool, Jeffers!

Jan Martin Löhndorf

So that's cool? Indeed it is, Jeffers! I would like a signed copy, but if it's only online ... would you sign my computer monitor then?


Sure. It's actaully a pretty cool site, with lots of fairly "successful" poeting folks, if that means anything, which it doesn't. I do have two books you can get on Amazon, though, wink wink.

UF Mike

You hear that? My brother has "merch" you can get on Amazaon! I told you he was the most talented poet of his generation! And I'm not jealous even the least bit! Even though he stole 46 percent of his best stuff from me! Love you Jeffers,


And be sure to read the customer reviews!

Jan Martin Löhndorf

I've just read the reviews - goodness, the customers all love that man Jeffers to pieces! All five of them, anyway.
Guess I'll order a copy - next month, when there's money on my hands again, that is.

UF Mike

You won't be disappointed. It's the Finnegan's Wake of dadaist poetry and there are lines in it that will set your hair on fire. Guaranfuckingteed.


I have 5 fans, FIVE! Count 'em up baby, I'm ready to break it big!

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