Occasionally somebody takes us seriously. We cannot tell you how much this scares us. When we were in the 'Nam, we had this buddy named Vince who believed every word we said. He died horribly. Later, after we finished our second tour as a LURP, we were walking down the street in San Fran and we couldn't believe all the longhairs. It was like the whole world had changed while we were gone. We tried to fit in, grew our hair past our collar and even bought a pair of striped bellbottoms, but we couldn't understand where anybody was coming from. Everyone around us had like a completely naive and simplistic view of the universe that excluded the reality of omnipresent human evil. They didn't see Vince step on a Chicom No. 8 dual-purpose mine and fly up into the trees and never come back down. There was no place in their world view for that kind of intense Valley of the Shadow shit. They were all dinky dau for fucking flowers.
up up and away
Fuckin' m***t-eyed hippies need their m***t asses kicked. Sad to here about Vince tho'...
Posted by: Dan | January 31, 2009 at 07:35 PM
Mebbe I should unban the M-word. What do you think?
Posted by: UF Mike | February 01, 2009 at 11:03 AM
Mebbe add a few more. Here's a list of words i never want to see in this blog...
Posted by: Dan | February 01, 2009 at 06:28 PM