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November 26, 2008



Umm " unidentifiable"!?!
It's the Ace of clubs!!
Or were you being sarcastic?
We lost our sense of sarcasm in a card game last week.

Unremitting Failure

You're right, mordantmouth. But shouldn't there be A's in the top left and bottom right corners? Above little clubs? Agh, I'm too goddamn picky, aren't I? No wonder I don't play poker. I'd spent the whole night questioning the legitimacy of the cards.


It certainly is an intriuing work. I note the unanimity of half empty glasses. Or are they half full?


i have always been so ppreoccupied with what might be in the pipe in the background that i never noticed that ace of Clubs will give ol' Rover what looks to be 4 aces.
Check it out!

Unremitting Failure

See! "I never noticed" are the words people always use when talking about this masterwork! Those do appear to be four aces, don't they!

And thanks, Ben, for pointing out that what we're looking at here is both art and philosophy.


Dollars to doughnuts the one smoking the pipe is a scotty.

Jan Martin Löhndorf

I don't like dogs, not even in art. Now, this is great - a girl showing us her pussy:

Todd Green

The most esoteric element of this great work is the towering irony of having dogs play a game where emotions must remain in check. Can you imagine a boxer bluffing, a chow checking and raising, a retriever hiding a royal flush. High humor indeed.

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