Are nonsmoking, except when they're on fire.
Elevators are cool. To go up while standing still is like levitating with your feet on the ground.
Life is a long flight of walking stairs rising up and up to a place you never knew you wanted to return to. There, your emptiness will walk away without a word. Is this a post about death? If so, we would like to see our dad again, whom we think about every time we hear "Hurt". The way Johnny Cash sings "Everyone I know goes away in the end" gives us shivers. We're all going away, everybody goes away from everybody else forever and if we're lucky we'll all wind up back together again at the Hunter's Inn in Littlestown, listening to Johnny sing "One" with neon haloes above our heads.
What color is your halo?
Posted by: Marianne | August 31, 2007 at 11:22 AM
somehow when i envision your blogidians in the aftermath, the halo doesn't strike me as being a credible light source, personally i'm choosing limbo, sitting in linen pants, sipping grog and reading back issues of Collier's magazine, visitors welcome...
Posted by: Daniel | August 31, 2007 at 11:37 AM
Rolling Rock green.
But Daniel's probably right, Limbo is a more likely post-life career path for us. Although if Colliers is what passes for reading material, they'd better be packing plenty of Grog.
Posted by: Unremitting Mike | August 31, 2007 at 11:52 AM
oh there's plenty of grog, as far a the eye can see, it makes the eternity go by faster, and makes Collier's funnier, and tastier...
Posted by: Daniel | August 31, 2007 at 02:46 PM